- Minecraft插件
- 2021-09-18
- 2024
/aggressiveanimals reload 重载配置文件 # On which worlds do you not want to use this plugin? disabled-worlds: [] mobs: chicken: &default # Use this as the default configuration. # How much damage is the mob supposed to do? (in half-hearts) attack-damage: 1 # How often can the mob damage the player? (in seconds) attack-speed: 0.5 # From how many blocks away can the mob hit the player? (in blocks) attack-range: 1 # How fast can the mob move? (1 is regular speed, 0.5 is half speed and 2 is double speed) speed: 1.5 # By default, Minecraft mobs can look 16 blocks ahead to find a player. However, zombies can see 40. navigation-range: 16 # When should the mob target the player? # It is up to you which conditions to use, but if one condition is true, it will attack the player. attack-conditions: # Once attacked, at how much health (of the mob) should it target the player? (in percentage) health-percentage: 100 # How close does the player have to be for the mob to attack the player? (in blocks) #distance: 10 # How close does the mob have to be to a player that is being attacked by other mobs? (in blocks) #group-aggro-distance: 10 #chance: # percentage: 25 # How much chance that the mob will attack the player? (in percentage) # duration: 0 # How long will the mob remember the chance result? (in seconds) # conditions: # The conditions which will trigger the chance: (anything from 'attack-conditions') # health-percentage: 100 # When should the mob stop targeting the player? # It is up to you which conditions to use, but if one condition is true, it will stop attacking the player. stop-conditions: # How far away does the player have to be for the mob to give up on his revenge? (in blocks) distance: 15 # Once attacked, at how much health (of the mob) should the mob give up? (in percentage) #health-percentage: 50 # At how much health (of the player) should the mob give up? (in percentage) #enemy-health-percentage: 50 pig: <<: *default # Load the default configuration # You may overwrite any of the default configuration here, for example: #speed: 2 sheep: <<: *default cow: <<: *default mushroom_cow: <<: *default donkey: <<: *default mule: <<: *default ocelot: <<: *default rabbit: <<: *default parrot: <<: *default turtle: <<: *default cat: <<: *default panda: <<: *default fox: <<: *default horse: &horse # Create a default configuration for horses <<: *default attack-range: 1.5 skeleton_horse: <<: *horse zombie_horse: <<: *horse
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