- 科技
- 2023-03-02
- 4311
EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true) turn=0 down=0 function OnEvent(event, arg) local offset local recovery_offset local downcount local qwq = IsMouseButtonPressed(3) OutputLogMessage("Event: "..event.." Arg: "..arg.."\n") if(event== "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg==1 and turn==1 and qwq==true) then downcount=0 repeat -- OutputLogMessage("%d\n",downcount) downcount=downcount+1 if(downcount<=150 and down==1) then MoveMouseRelative(0,1) end offset=math.random(5,5)-- 数字是抖动幅度 recovery_offset = -offset Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(offset,offset) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(recovery_offset,recovery_offset) until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) end --[[ --]] if(event== "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg==4) then --arg是鼠标编码 4是后侧键 5是前侧键 if(turn==0) then turn=1 else turn=0 end end if(event== "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg==99) then --这是下压 不建议开 力度不好调 无视就行了 if(down==0) then down=1 else down=0 end end end
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