深信服Win10优化工具 1.1
- 软件
- 2022-06-04
- 2553
深信服Win10优化工具是一款简单易用的Win10系统优化工具。 它可以关闭你Win10系统中一些可有可无的设置服务,以免这些性能浪费,让桌面和整个系统运行更流畅。
Deep Confidence Win10 Optimizer is an easy-to-use Win10 system optimization tool. It can turn off some optional setting services in your Win10 system, so as to avoid these performance wastes, and make the desktop and the whole system run more smoothly.
【优化】调整你的系统以提高Windows启动和关机速度,调整你的硬件以提高系统速度和性能; 控制Windows启动时启动哪些程序,检查和修复高级启动项以恢复病毒的恶意更改; 调整优化系统服务和定时任务,关闭一些不必要的系统服务和任务,提高系统性能。
[Optimization] Adjust your system to improve Windows startup and shutdown speed, adjust your hardware to improve system speed and performance; control which programs start when Windows starts, check and repair advanced startup items to recover malicious changes from viruses; adjust and optimize system Services and scheduled tasks, turn off some unnecessary system services and tasks, and improve system performance.
【清理】找出哪些文件占用了你的磁盘空间,并用图表显示; Smart Uninstaller 可以完全卸载程序,没有残留文件和注册表项; 查找并清除垃圾文件,减少硬盘空间使用; 重复文件查找器扫描您的计算机以查找相同大小、名称和修改时间的文件; Registry Cleaner 检查不正确的注册表项; Registry Cleaner 重建并重新索引您的注册表以减少注册表访问时间,从而降低提高应用程序响应能力; Desktop Cleaner 可以轻松清理桌面上无用的图标和文件。
[Cleanup] Find out which files are taking up your disk space and display them graphically; Smart Uninstaller can completely uninstall programs without residual files and regedit items; find and remove junk files to reduce hard disk space usage; duplicate file finder scans your computer to find files of the same size, name, and modification time; Registry Cleaner checks for incorrect regedit entries; Registry Cleaner rebuilds and re-indexes your regedit to reduce regedit access time, thereby reducing and improving application responsiveness; Desktop Cleaner makes it easy to clean up Desktop Useless icons and files on.
【安全】调整系统、组件、UAC、登录设置,调整各项设置并限制对驱动和方案的访问,提高系统安全性; 保护您的敏感文件和文件夹的安全,加密文件,将系统文件夹移动到安全的地方; 隐私保护通过消除跟踪来确保敏感信息的隐私和安全; 文件恢复可以恢复已删除或格式化的逻辑磁盘上的文件; 锁定一些系统功能以提高安全性。
[Security] Adjust system, components, UAC, login settings, adjust various settings and restrict access to drivers and programs, improve system security; protect the security of your sensitive files and folders, encrypt files, and place system folders Move to a safe place; Privacy Protection ensures the privacy and security of sensitive information by eliminating tracking; File Recovery can recover files on deleted or formatted logical disks; Lock down some system features for increased security.
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